Renewable energy was the integrating theme of the Institute. This topic is essential to the Ministry of Education’s June 2021 launch of local schools on the topic. Teachers, trainer-leaders, experts in renewable energy, and training facilitators helped educators create monthlong units of instruction that they will use with the 7,000 Galapagos students over the course of the week. EPI Ecuador and Villanova University were both able to share technical information with educators as well as engage international experts in this area. We are very grateful.
Students are not taught about sustainability and conservation issues in most schools around the world. UNESCO’s “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” reports that 47% of all national education programs do not mention climate change. Only 40% of teachers feel comfortable teaching about it, and only 20% of teachers report being able see how societies can address this global threat.
Galapagos students learn science, math, and language arts within the context of real-life conservation and sustainability cases. This approach to education has been proven to help students learn core subjects, as well as develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills. This method also helps students to understand and appreciate their environment and encourages them towards a sustainable mindset throughout their lives.
The Education for Sustainability Program was born from a June 2014 diagnostic analysis by Galapagos Conservancy and Fundacion Scalesia. It is a plan to strengthen public education in the Islands. The program introduced a cyclical training model in 2016 that included Teacher Institutes (two per annum), teacher observations and reflections (instructional coaching) and professional learning circles. Each year, the program offers more than 220 hours intensive, research-based training for every Galapagos teacher.
Teacher motivation and commitment have reached all-time highs in the seventh year, which is the last of the 10 years planned for the program. Many teachers are also demonstrating greater mastery over new, proven educational strategies. The program has trained teacher-leaders who are actively involved in professional development and coaching others. Numerous local individuals and organizations are also sharing their expertise with students and teachers on a regular base.
We believe that this collaborative effort will help young people in Galapagos build better communities and ensure that the world treasure is preserved for future generations.