The Wolf Volcano, standing at 1710 meters tall, on Isabela Island in Galapagos offers a stunning view of nature's grandeur.

Celebrating 489 Years of Conservation and Resilience


Strong ocean currents diverted the Dominican Friar Tomas de Berlanga‘s ship from its course 489 years before, and threatened disaster. Amidst the danger, however, came a unique encounter that would change history forever. Berlanga, his crew, and the vast ocean witnessed the Galapagos Islands emerge from the deep blue. This was the start of an amazing saga.

Berlanga’s experience was more than a mere discovery. It was a chance for mankind to adapt to nature and flourish in harmony. His vivid accounts describe a harsh terrain where each resource was a blessing in the midst of what seemed to be an empty ocean.

Legacy of Resilience & Harmony

Breathtaking view of a colony of sea lions resting on Marinos Beach, in Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, San Cristóbal Island.
©Galápagos Conservancy

The Galapagos Islands silently witnessed a remarkable tale unfold over the centuries. The history of the Galapagos Islands is one of resilience and connection to nature. From the first inhabitants to today’s population of more than thirty thousand, it’s a testimony to humanity. Galapagos is a unique place where adaptation and harmony with nature are valued.

Permanent Commitment To Conservation

We reaffirm our commitment to the future of this archipelago as we celebrate the anniversary of its discovery. But our efforts go beyond conservation, as we strive to create a sustainable Galapagos Islands where the community and biodiversity coexist harmoniously.

Galapagos Islands are much more than a tourist destination. The Galapagos Islands are a living example of how nature can adapt and thrive in unusual environments.

Let us celebrate this special day by taking a moment to reflect on our past, to cherish our present and to renew our commitment to protect the future of Galapagos. We extend our gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the preservation of this precious legacy, especially to our donors who have committed themselves to conserving Galapagos ecologies. We can work together to ensure that this natural marvel continues to inspire hope, and serves as a symbol for conservation around the world.

