We honor more than 470 teachers this month who work tirelessly to educate over 7,500 students on the four inhabited Galapagos islands. They are more than just teachers — they’re guides and mentors who actively shape the holistic development and future generations.

In their work as teachers they do not only impart academic knowledge, but also values, social skills and environmental awareness. These qualities are crucial for developing a sense of civic responsibility and a commitment to protecting the unique environment on Galapagos. These educators are essential in promoting the future of the Galapagos archipelago and, dare say, Ecuador and beyond.

Bexi Cedeño (center) receives a certificate of honor for her 30 years of service as a teacher alongside Jenny Macías, our expert in environmental education.

©Galápagos Conservancy

Our education expert, Jenny Macias at Galapagos Conservancy said that we are committed to improving education and highlighting the importance of sustainability within our community. She said that the teachers’ direct influence on students helps to raise environmental awareness.

During a recent Galapagos Education District event, which brought together teachers and students on four inhabited Islands to play traditional games and celebrate their careers, the National Union of Educators and Galapagos Conservancy recognized the contributions of teachers to the development of the province.

We value their willingness to impart their knowledge and experience to students as well as the passion and ability of future generations to be inspired and motivated. We are committed in continuing to support education improvement and working closely with educators to build a future sustainable for the archipelago. Together, we can create a better tomorrow for Galapagos.

Teachers from Galápagos participate in traditional games as part of the integration event organized by the Galápagos District Education Directorate, the National Union of Educators, and Galápagos Conservancy.

©Galápagos Conservancy