Santa Cruz Island | Birdwatching

Educational Synergy for Youth and Conservation in Galápagos

Education is a key factor in environmental conservation. Galapagos Conservation believes it is important to make sure that residents of Galapagos are aware of the importance of conservation, inspire action and contribute to conservation in the community.

Galapagos Conservancy has been supporting the Association of Interpretive Guides of the Galapagos National Park (AGUIPA) since 2022 to deliver the “Synergy For Well-Being And Conservation” project, led by environmental education specialist Yanex Alvarez. This project is aimed at integrating art, science and conservation to promote the well-being of children and youth in Galapagos.

Creative Science Workshops

Public Library of Puerto Ayora is the organization that brings this project to Galapagos’ youth. The project’s creative science workshops are one of its most noteworthy components. The workshops are intended to spark an interest in science concepts in children through hands-on and playful activities, thereby increasing environmental awareness. In a workshop on the El Nino, for example, children are asked to simulate temperature changes in water. They can then observe the impact of this climatic phenomenon on different parts of the globe, including Galapagos.

Field Trips

The educational program is not complete without field trips. Santa Cruz Island’s highlands offer children the chance to learn about biodiversity and the natural environment while promoting creativity and active learning. These outdoor experiences can also improve emotional wellbeing. A study of giant turtles is a good example. Children gain a new perspective on life by watching the tortoises in their natural habitat.

Bird watching and artistic workshops

Children can learn about Galapagos’ biodiversity by combining bird watching with artistic activities, such as painting and drawing the birds they observe. The participants are provided with notebooks and binoculars to learn how to identify and record different bird species. It helps them to improve their observational skills and develop a greater appreciation for wildlife.

Children on the beach at Tortuga Bay ©Galapagos Conservancy
©Galapagos Conservancy

Our Commitment to Education

We are pleased to be able to collaborate with the community via the Public Library where many educational events take place. We believe education is essential for long-term conservation, and we are committed to providing resources and support in order to continue the success of the program.

Washington Tapia is our General Director. He notes that AGUIPA’s educational project does not only train future conservationists in Galapagos, but also creates a model of innovative education that combines art, science, and environmental awareness. He said that by providing enriching educational experiences to children, AGUIPA contributes to the holistic development and commitment of future generations.

People like you, who care about the conservation and wellbeing of Galapagos, make it possible to support initiatives such as this. Your support allows projects like this to be implemented. Together, we will ensure that the children of today become the environmental guardians, prepared to face challenges with creativity and passion. Galapagos conservancy will continue to support this vital initiative, working with the community in order to preserve Galapagos, its wonders, and future generations.

Environmental educator Yánex Álvarez with Galapagos youth ©Galapagos Conservancy
Photo: ©Galapagos Conservancy

