After 35 days of eruptive activity, the lava flow from La Cumbre volcano has finally reached the ocean.

Lava from La Cumbre Volcano Eruption has Reached the Sea

Nature has once again captured our attention! La Cumbre’s eruption on Fernandina island has produced a spectacular and breathtaking sight. After 35 continuous days of activity, the lava flow has finally reached the sea, covering over 6 miles.

The lava emissions from Cumbre volcano have persisted for over a month since they commenced on March 2nd, with the lava flow stretching more than 10 kilometers to meet the ocean.


Since the 2nd of March, Galapagos National Park Rangers stationed in Canal Bolivar, northwest Isabela have used satellite data and seismic monitoring equipment, working closely with the Geophysical Institute.

The experts of the Galapagos National Park reported that the lava flows have damaged the island’s endemic plants and habitat of land iguanas. The experts also expect that the lava flow could have an impact on marine life if it enters the ocean.

Galapagos Conservancy’s mission is to protect the unique wildlife of the Galapagos Archipelago, says Dr. Our Director of Conservation, Jorge Carrion. “We are prepared to provide assistance, if needed, but we also understand that this is a naturally occurring occurrence and our primary responsibility to observe the changes.”

According to reports by the Geophysical institute of the National Polytechnic school, La Cumbre is one of most active volcanoes on the Galapagos islands. The volcano has had a long history of eruptions, dating back to 19th century. Similar events have also occurred in the recent past, such as in 2017, 2018 and 2020. Most recent activity has been ongoing since 2024.

Nature is currently undergoing one of its most dynamic and fascinating events. Galapagos Conservancy is committed to protecting the unique archipelago, including all of its special features.

Keep an eye out for updates on the ever-changing geological evolution in the Galapagos.

The eruption of La Cumbre volcano on Fernandina island in Galápagos has created a breathtaking natural spectacle, with lava flows cascading into the sea, dramatically transforming the landscape.




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