Galapagueño women

Through Art and Culture, Galápagos Promotes Preservation of the Islands

To commemorate 44 years of the islands’ designation as World Heritage Sites, the first Cultural Festival Celebrating Galapagos Natural Heritage and Humanity, will be held on Santa Cruz Island, Puerto Ayora. Bertha Corella is a Galapagos Islands cultural activist and recipient of one Galapagos Conservancy Conservation and Sustainability Action Grant. She will be organizing the festival, which she hopes will celebrate the preservation and strengthening of the islands’ cultural identity.

Experts in culture say it’s possible to raise awareness about environmental threats and promote conservation through the arts. Bertha hopes to increase citizen participation in the defense of Archipelago’s biodiversity and social responsibility to care for it through her initiative, which promotes the preservation of islands through art.

Bertha stated that culture contributes positively to society’s well-being. Bertha believes art can be a tool for socio-economic growth and environmental sustainability. Many regional artists including musicians, dancers, singers and painters will take part in the festival. They will share their work with others and raise awareness about the importance of protecting the Islands. Bertha hopes to hold a Galapagos Cultural Festival every year on the 8th September in honor of the Galapagos Natural Heritage Site’s anniversary.

Galapagos Conservancy congratulates Bertha Corella on her initiative. A culture that safeguards, preserves, and upholds the natural wealth of the Galapagos Islands can only be built with the help of conservationists who encourage and support education for an environmentally-minded culture.

Participacion ciudadana en la defensa de la biodiversidad del Archipielago
Bertha quiere potenciar la participación ciudadana en la defensa de la biodiversidad del Archipiélago e incentivar el compromiso social para cuidar este Patrimonio © Bertha Corella

