Discovery of Galápagos Petrel Nests on Isabela Island Renews Conservation Hopes

A Galápagos petrel chick found in one of the nests documented during the recent expedition on Isabela Island.

Recent discoveries of Galapagos Petrel nests on Isabela Island have sparked new optimism in the conservation of this critically endangered endemic species. This is a significant step forward in the protection of one of the archipelago’s most iconic seabirds. Their breeding habitat had been under constant threat for many years. The team, led by experts […]

Collaboration in Conserving Isabela Island’s Wildlife

Freddy Tupiza, a technician with Galápagos Conservancy's Scalesia Project, in southern Isabela

Galapagos Conservancy is deeply committed to the preservation of the archipelago’s unique biodiversity. In order to achieve this mission we work closely with the Galapagos National Park Directorate as well as the local community in several key projects that address urgent conservation needs. We visited Isabela Island recently to evaluate the progress and accomplishments of […]

Advances in the Conservation of the Yellow Land Iguana at Cartago Bay

Expedition team members on their way to Cartago Hill

A team of Galapagos Conservancy specialists and park rangers from the Galapagos National Park Directorate led by Dr. Jorge Carrion, of the Galapagos Conservancy embarked recently on a crucial mission to safeguard the last wild population of yellow land Iguanas (Conolophus Subcristatus) of Galapagos. Cartago Bay is a rugged, remote and seldom visited area on […]