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Discovery of a New Nursery Area for Smooth Hammerhead Sharks in Galápagos

Discovery of a smooth hammerhead shark surfacing in a bay off Isabela Island.

The Galapagos National Park Directorate reported that a nursery site was discovered for smooth hammerheads ( Sphyrna zygaena ) in a bay near Isabela Island. The discovery, made by Greenpeace during a recent exploration in the Galapagos Marine Reserve has generated significant interest in the scientific community because of the rarity of seeing smooth hammerheads […]

The 2024 Galápagos Pinnipeds Research and Monitoring Expedition

Scientist Marjorie Riofrío conducts pinniped monitoring on Cabo Hammond, Fernandina Island. A lava cactus stands prominently beside her, while in the background, a fur seal emits its characteristic vocalization.

Galapagos Conservation has a commitment to conservation of Galapagos species and ecosystems. We support projects which produce valuable scientific data to assist managers in making informed decisions. We support research and conservation efforts for the pinnipeds on Galapagos. Pinnipeds are fur seals and marine lions. Researchers Drs. Diego Paez from Universidad San Francisco de Quito […]

The Conservation Expeditions that Defined Iniciativa Galápagos in 2023

Capture moment of a pink iguana for morphological data collection during ecological monitoring at Wolf Volcano.

The Galapagos Conservancy team successfully conducted 14 conservation expeditions on six different islands last year as part of the Iniciativa Galapagos Program, a collaborative effort with Galapagos National Park Directorate. The team visited the serene beaches in Santa Cruz, the interior of Espanola Island and the interior of Fernandina Island. They also explored the clear […]

Lava from La Cumbre Volcano Eruption has Reached the Sea

After 35 days of eruptive activity, the lava flow from La Cumbre volcano has finally reached the ocean.

Nature has once again captured our attention! La Cumbre’s eruption on Fernandina island has produced a spectacular and breathtaking sight. After 35 continuous days of activity, the lava flow has finally reached the sea, covering over 6 miles. Since the 2nd of March, Galapagos National Park Rangers stationed in Canal Bolivar, northwest Isabela have used […]

Unraveling the Mysteries of Galápagos Bats

Galápagos bat resting on a branch. Its nocturnal activity and density are influenced by the seasonal availability of insects, its main food source, and vary according to habitat.

Galapagos’ unique biodiversity is still waiting to be explored, especially in the fascinating nocturnal ecosystems of many islands. There are still many questions about two bat species: the gray bat and the red bat. Are these Galapagos populations of these bats really distinct? Do they fly from one island to another? We don’t even know […]