The Santa Cruz Community was Presented with Local Conservation Projects and Initiatives

Dancers at exhibition at fair in Santa Cruz

Galapagos Conservancy hosted an exhibition featuring eight local Conservation Action Projects on Friday, September 9, where grant recipients presented their projects to the Santa Cruz Island community. Many people were able to learn about citizen initiatives that are not only contributing to socio-ecological growth in the Islands but also contribute to the preservation of Galapagos’ […]

Galápagos Conservancy Participates in the IV Science and Conservation Symposium

Washington Tapia, General Director of Conservando Galápagos

Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands was the location for the IV Symposium on Science and Conservation. It was organized by the Galapagos National Park Directorate, GNPD, within the context of the 40th anniversary of Galapagos’ designation as a Natural World Heritage Site. This multidisciplinary meeting was attended by experts and community members. It presented the results […]

The Galápagos Islands are Home to Four Species of Iguanas that Require Permanent Protection

Marine Iguana during sunset

Galapagos Islands are famous for their volcanic landscapes and endemic species that have survived extreme environments. They are only found in this remote Archipelago. For example, Iguanas are believed to have arrived in Galapagos five million years ago via rafts of vegetation that were dragged from America by ocean currents. They evolved, colonized, and adapted […]

Conservando Galápagos: a bold new step by the local community to protect Galápagos

City Symbol Award to Dr. Paul Salaman

With the support of dozens non-governmental organizations, the Galapagos National Park Directorate has been protecting the Galapagos’ terrestrial and marine ecosystems for many decades. After a thorough review of the organizations that operate in the Islands, it was clear that many of them were international foundations and very few were local. We felt it was […]

Galápagos Marks 44 Years Since its Designation as a Natural World Heritage Site

Punta Cormoran at Floreana island

In recognition of its exceptional biodiversity, the Galapagos Archipelago is celebrating its 44th anniversary of being designated a Natural Heritage Site of Outstanding Value to Humanity. The declaration also included the Galapagos Marine Reserve on December 2, 2001. The Galapagos National Park Directorate is responsible for managing protected areas in the insular area. Danny Rueda, […]