Workshop to children showing how to transform trash into

250 Children Learned how to Transform Plastic Garbage into Art

Galapagos Conservancy stresses the importance of getting the whole community involved in protecting the environment. It supports women entrepreneurs who are interested in contributing to the preservation and care of the Galapagos Islands.

Mayra Hernandez founded “More Art Less Garbage” as one of these initiatives. Mayra is a Galapagos native and has a passion for conservation and caring for the environment.

Mayra is a member of Frente Insular community, which is a movement working to solve environmental and social problems. Mayra stated that she was a regular organizer of beach cleanups and that it was during one of these trips that I got the idea to recycle as an invitation for the community to rethink their daily waste generation patterns to encourage a cleaner environment.

Through a grant application, she presented her idea to Galapagos Conservancy and was granted funds to complete her project. She was able to create 14 workshops that benefitted 250 children on Santa Cruz Island. They learned how to turn plastic garbage into art and toys.

Mayra hopes to spread this message to schools and community colleges, so parents can reach their children about the dangers of plastic waste in Galapagos.

Maira Hernández en la playa recogiendo plásticos

Maira Hernández en la playa recogiendo plásticos. © Xavier Castro/Galápagos Conservancy



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