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Expedition to Help Nesting Waved Albatross a Success

Conservation expedition by the Galápagos Conservancy and the Galápagos National Park arriving at Española Island.

The recent field mission in the stunning Espanola island, located in the southeast sector of the Galapagos Archipelago, brought together a team consisting of 27 Galapagos Park Directorate Rangers and Conservation Officers from Galapagos Conservancy who were working to improve nesting habitats for the waved Albatross. This majestic seabird is unique to the Galapagos and […]

May 22: Celebrating International Day for Biological Diversity

A finch rests atop the head of a giant tortoise, showcasing a perfect example of natural coexistence.

The World celebrates International Day for Biological Diversity on May 22. This is an opportunity to increase awareness of the importance of biodiversity and promote its conservation. We consider the importance of protecting and caring for our planet. Biodiversity plays a fundamental role in the sustainability and well-being of humans by providing ecosystem services such […]

Celebrating the Galápagos Penguin on World Penguin Day

Three Galápagos penguins together witness the sunset at Punta Moreno, Isabela.

World Penguin Day, celebrated on the 25th of April, is a day to promote awareness for these amazing birds. The Galapagos Penguin is one of the most remarkable. It’s scientific name is Spheniscus Mendiculus. This species can only be found in Galapagos, where it sometimes ranges north of equator. The Galapagos Penguin is found primarily […]

Conserving the Galápagos Petrel: A Plan for Survival

A petrel tends to its nest, displaying the characteristic paternal care of these endemic birds in their natural environment.

The Galapagos Petrel is one of the six seabirds that are unique to Galapagos. The Galapagos Petrel spends most of its time at the sea, searching for small fish and invertebrates. It returns to land, however, to nest in burrows that it digs into the sides of the volcanoes. It is fascinating to watch their […]

Artistic Initiative Inspires Conservation of Darwin’s Flycatcher

Geovanna Morales, an artist and entrepreneur, is dedicated to protecting the Vermilion Flycatcher through her art and passion for nature.

The Galapagos Islands are home to Darwin’s Flycatcher, Pyrocephalus nanus. It is known for the spectacular coloration of its vermillion feathers. The first time this bird was documented in 1835, during Charles Darwin’s voyage to Galapagos, is still a sighting that many visitors enjoy. Geovanna Morales is a Santa Cruz Island artist and recipient of […]

Discovering the Albatross Nesting Areas in Galápagos

A devoted albatross couple carefully tends to their nest, showcasing the species' profound commitment to their offspring.

Nesting of the Waved Albatross is an event that is highly anticipated in the Galapagos. The nesting colonies of these magnificent seabirds are located on Espanola island, the only place where they nest. They can be studied here and important information can be collected to help protect this iconic species. Reproductive cycle and feeding The […]