The teachers were enthusiastic about learning from each other and showed a strong desire to improve their teaching skills. Lenin Rogel (Coordinator of the Education for Sustainability Program) said that he was pleased by the enthusiasm of the teachers and his gratitude for the U.S. government’s support and endorsement of the Ministry of Education for this important effort to improve education in Galapagos.
Jenny Yepez, a teacher from Miguel Angel Cazares Educational Unit, spoke highly of the training’s impact, saying that it was a “fruitful” experience that gave her new strategies and techniques she could use in her classroom. Carmen Cajamarca (one of the trainers) said the same thing, adding that it was an opportunity to share best practices and learn from others in sustainability education.
Galapagos Conservancy wishes to extend warm congratulations to all the teachers. We remain committed to supporting education and sustainability in Galapagos for the benefit its people, wildlife and ecosystems.