father son tortoise project

Like Father, Like Son: How the Legacy of a Naturalist Guide Inspires Giant Tortoise Project

Like Father, like Son: How the Legacy a Naturalist guide Inspires Giant Tortoise Project

Daniel Montalvo is an entrepreneur who hails from Galapagos. He has spent over a decade using communication to educate people about the environment in the Galapagos Islands. His father, a naturalist who was a guide, instilled a deep respect and admiration of giant tortoises in him as a child. Daniel’s early love of nature has fueled his passion for conservation.Daniel, who is passionate about communication and loves the Galapagos wildlife began to think of ways he could help protect giant tortoises. He created a project with the help of Galapagos Conservancy that focused on increasing awareness about issues affecting tortoises, and promoting good environmental practices.

Daniel’s project uses entertainment to draw attention to the importance environmental education. He will create informative and captivating audiovisuals on giant tortoises. The clips will be shared via social media in order to send a powerful message.

father son tortoise project

The shell of Galápagos giant tortoises is composed of fused bones and bony plates, providing them with a sturdy and protective structure.
© Daniel Montalvo

Daniel explained that the main goal was to protect giant tortoises and promote harmony between community members and nature. Daniel also hopes to show the cultural and economic benefits that come from conserving these species. He wants to raise awareness of the importance of Galapagos natural heritage, and create a sense responsibility in the community.

Galapagos Conservancy was instrumental in the development of Daniel’s project, by providing financial assistance. Our collaboration enhances his ability of spreading his message about giant tortoise protection, creating a larger impact locally and globally. We are dedicated to the protection of these iconic species, and we are happy to work with Daniel to promote care for Galapagos’ natural heritage. Together, we leave a lasting impression and build a sustainable future for the Galapagos Islands.

father son tortoise project

Understanding the fragility and gaining knowledge of the habitat of giant tortoises is crucial for their conservation. © Daniel Montalvo



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