Cristian Gil, a technical assistant with Galápagos Conservancy

Our Experts at the Giant Tortoise Breeding Centers

The Galapagos giant turtle’s recovery is a great example of how scientific insights can be used to create innovative conservation. In 1965, captive rearing programs were established for giant tortoises. These programs have been crucial to the recovery of several tortoise species. The programs are designed to raise tortoises safely during the first five years of their lives, when they’re most vulnerable to predators, food shortages and water scarcity. It would not have been possible to bring giant tortoises back from the brink without the dedication of those who work behind the scenes. Galapagos Conservancy works with Galapagos National Park Directorate in order to run breeding centres.

Walter Chimborazo’s Dedication

Our experts can make a difference. Walter Chimborazo, is one of these experts. Walter Chimborazo is a friendly and familiar face at the Fausto Llerena Breeding Center in Santa Cruz Island. He works with park rangers there to ensure the well-being and safety of thousands of young tortoises.

Walter’s dedication is evident in his days: he distributes greens every Monday, Friday, and Wednesday to the tortoises. Walter cleans the corrals of the tortoises on other days and makes sure they get enough sun to maintain a healthy body temperature and growth. Walter is on call seven days a weeks during nesting season to adjust the temperature in incubators to optimize development. Walter is the Godfather to thousands of these gentle giants. The most rewarding part for him is watching them grow.

Cristian Gil: A Passionate Trip to Galapagos

Cristian’s commitment is evident at the Arnaldo Tupiza breeding center on Isabela Island. The center was established in 1995 and serves as a sanctuary for the threatened tortoises of the island. Galapagos Conservancy funded recent upgrades at the center. These include breeding pens and improved enclosures. The upgrades improve the lives of the tortoises while allowing the staff to provide better and less disruptive care. They also demonstrate their renewed commitment towards the tortoises.

The story of Cristian l, another of our turtle experts is equally inspiring. He was raised on Isabela Island on the flanks the Sierra Negra volcano, where he witnessed the dramatic decline of the giant tortoises. Cristian’s passion for protecting his native land led him to study environmental science, and then join the team at Galapagos Conservancy.

Collaboration for a Sustainable Future

This successful collaboration with Galapagos National Park Directorate has enabled us to add a human touch to our breeding centers. Walter’s commitment to Santa Cruz, and Cristian’s to Isabela are just two examples. We can continue this success story through continued collaboration, dedication and innovation on the grounds. The power of collaboration is what makes all this possible.

Young tortoises grow in semi-natural conditions at the breeding center

©Galápagos Conservancy



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